Accreditations and Quality Management

Operational and Management Procedures

iForce’s sustained commitment to safety, security, compliance, environmental responsibility and continuous improvement, is evidenced through some of our accreditations:

  • ISO 27001: Information Security
  • ISO 14001: Environmental Management
  • Carbon Neutral: Certified by Carbon Footprint
  • Working towards PAS2060 Standards
  • ISO45001: Health & Safety Management Standard
  • ROSPA Gold for Health & Safety
  • International Safety Award (merit) from The British Safety Council
  • Redditch Site: HMRC Customs Warehouse Approval
  • iForce House Site: HMRC Excise Warehouse Approval
  • iForce House Site: HMRC Customs Warehouse Approval
  • BWA (Bonded Warehousekeepers Association) membership
  • Ecovadis Sustainability Rating
Accreditations and Quality Management
ISA Accreditations and Quality Management

British Safety Council (International Safety Award – Merit 2024) AW-00111182

BSI Accreditations and Quality Management

Occupational Health & Safety Management System ISO 45001:2018 OHS 571492

BSI Accreditations and Quality Management

Information Security Management System ISO/IEC 27001:2013 IS 725365

Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015) EMS 769650

Investors In People Gold CEN-21-00752

CO2E assessed

Organic BDA UK Certification Reg. No: 908


Bonded Warehousekeepers Association Member

Assessed August 2024

Quality Management

Quality of Services

We ensure that we deliver a quality service to our customers by having an experienced team, utilising suitable technology, implementing quality controls, and being responsive to their needs, observations, and feedback. We invest in training, technology, and development, and we are proactive in our approach to continuous improvement. We also set clear, measurable goals and KPIs that demonstrate the quality of the services we provide.

KPI Reporting

KPIs are published weekly to the client, with RAG status flagged on the report. Any service underperformance or failure is discussed during the weekly VA meeting. Any “non-green” measures have the following commentary associated with them:

  • Reason: The reason for the non-green measure.
  • Mitigation: The steps that are being taken to mitigate the issue and bring the measure back to green.
  • Client aware: Whether the client is aware of the issue and the mitigation plan.

Customer Complaints

Complaints and issues are flagged and dealt with as a priority. Any root cause that requires further action or longer-term review is added to the Client Development and Action Plan. The Client Action Plan logs and tracks all customer complaints, allowing for an investigation, the findings of the investigation, and the corrective and preventive actions required or taken.

Quality Supply Chain

We set clear quality standards and expectations for our suppliers, and we communicate and measure their performance against these standards. As part of our commitment to sustainability, health and safety, and environmental management, we regularly audit our suppliers to ensure that they are meeting not only our quality standards, but also our business requirements. We take a proactive approach with our suppliers, working with them to identify and address quality issues.